
Showing posts from January, 2021


If you as a parent finds out that your ward sponsor his peers to play game, what would be your reaction? What is that activity you enjoyed when you were small?  Do you have the opportunity of visiting play station center?  I understand that is ok to relax and play after school. What exactly could be wrong. I overhead the conversation of two boys today.  Boy A: Let me sponsor you, so that you can help me play game and win.  Boy B: Wait am coming (goes inside the game house, comes outside and ask the boy to follow him inside).  In my mind, what exactly is the problem with kids of now a days, you aren't working and you are sponsoring game activity, what happens when such boy grows up?  I think parent as a lot of work to do, the reason why we see some parent encouraging their children that involve in fraudulent dealings like Yahoo and the rest.  Is okay to relax with play station and other activity not betting with it or encouraging betting.  Am just thinking out loud. 

#Rant 3

  I don't know what to title this?  Before the linking of sim card with National identity number (NIN), which would be carried out by the National identity management commission as directed by the federal government of Nigeria, have you tried registering for your national identity card?  What was the process like?  Do you now anyone who as gone through the registration process before the rush hour?  Well during my  National youth service corps (Nysc)  at Kwara state which is compulsory in my country Nigeria, year 2014 /2015, have been willing to register, whenever I visit the office then is either one excuse or the other, I had to decide that I will do it when I get back to my base which is Lagos State, due to my thought of the stress that would be attach to picking up the plastic which is original.  When I finally got back to Lagos year 2015, I had to check up the various centers in lagos, I found one at Ikorodu local government, which is not very far from my aunt place that I sta


 What is that childishly act you have ever done? Do you remember any childish act you have ever done?  I was at a shop to get few things, I saw a girl of 9 to 10 years that was asked to baby sit a toddler less than 6 months, this girl was on wrapper alone with the baby on her hand. I noticed her drawing the baby more closer, the next thing I see, is her empty chest out trying to feed the baby her empty breast, I was about talking when she caught my gaze, she then stop the act.  Growing up, I was so naughty and remembered playing around with my neighbor and cousin, acting drama of mummy and Daddy, feeding toy, what a silly kid I was.  I would like you to share that childish act of yours you remember growing up. 


What is your take on expectation meeting?  Over the weekend a friend contacted me and informed me about a job I would be helping her with the coming weekend.  Its a kid party decoration , having listed all the necessary items I will be needing she pleaded that I will help get those things and bring to the venue which I agreed on due to my understanding of her busy schedule, so she ask for the price, I told her I was going to find out the current price due to hike in price of various items and she said ok, I started looking for how to get the price of the items, I had to delay my schedule yesterday, so that I can get the information and feed her back on time, I was able to meet a woman that sells those items but her out of stock, and  promise she would be going to market before Friday would help me get them, I requested for her number, so that I can inform her if I was able to get it earlier than the time she promised. Unfortunately, the person I was suppose to help get the material con


 Who plan their proposal without knowing? Hmmm!  I was suppose to meet with my friend Shayo pre - covid but have been busy with decorations.  Covid happen along the line we keep postponing, around October I called my friend to make arrangement and let us hang out against November, she agreed we fixed a date which was later shifted to 13th of December 2020, my friend called again to ask if it can be shifted forward but I told her No, on the 13th after first asalatu I change to a top, I went to asalatu with and set out for the eatery we were to meet. On getting there I called her, she ask me to come to the seventh continent area which is like a vip section, in my mind I was like am not that buzz up, when I saw her we started gisting and she ask that we placed order, the waiter come over with catalogue of drink, I order for water while going through the menu we finally settled for Chinese, while waiting for the order we continue gisting, then I heard my boyfriend sister voice I was wow wh